Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Well, Here We Are!

I look forward to spending a bit more time here at ISC now that we're in our new home. I hope that our former readers from AOL Journals follow us over, and I hope that we get many new visitors as well.
Our purpose with this blog is twofold; have fun and learn (or teach others) something new. If you're completely new to ISC, please check back over our previous posts. And don't be afraid to call us on something if we get it wrong; that's why the title of the blog is I Stand Corrected. Or if you have a question about language, words, phrases, or grammar, please leave a comment. We'll do our best to find an answer.
Looking forward to reading some great comments ~~~~~ Lori


Beth said...

Yay! I Stand Corrected is still standing! (grin)

Lori, here's to you, Guido, and anyone else who loves language and loves to learn. Thanks for continuing this, and I look forward to reading, learning, and contributing.

All my best,

Yasmin said...

Great always liked this blog, being a lover of words, glad the migration went well.
